Aleksander Stavre Drenova

Rating: 4.33
Rating: 4.33

Aleksander Stavre Drenova Poems

Rreth flamurit të përbashkuar,
me një dëshirë e një qëllim.
Të gjithë atje duke u betuar,
të lidhim besën për shpëtim.

In the sombre woods of ancient Dodona
Was a Dorian temple by expert hand built,
No other in this world could compare to its beauty,
Surrounded by statues of silver and gilt.

Oh flute, I worship you with faith and longing
For I was raised, the consort of your trill divine
from the time I was a lad,
You poured dew into my soul,

I have beheld you, Adriatic, I have beheld you,
A nymph from the twinkling heavens
Sparkling with pearls, your breasts
Heaving gracefully like a sylph's.

Where can I find you, oh companions of my youth,
That I might once more enjoy that beloved time,
Moments which filled us with such delight
When we played and frolicked in mirth sublime?

United around the flag
With one desire and one goal
Let us pledge our word of honor
To fight for our salvation

Aleksander Stavre Drenova Biography

Aleksandër Stavre Drenova, best known under his pen name Asdreni (11 April 1872 - 1947), was one of the most well-known Albanian poets. One of his most recognizable poems is the Albanian National Anthem, Hymni i Flamurit. Born in the village of Drenovë, near Korçë, he studied at a Greek school in his village. His father died when he was just thirteen. In 1885, Drenova moved to Bucharest, Romania, where he rejoined his brothers. While there, he was exposed to other Albanian writers and nationalists (see Albanians of Romania). In 1904, Asdreni published his first collection of ninety-nine poems called Rreze dielli ("Sun Rays"), dedicated to Skanderbeg, the Albanian national hero. His second ninety-nine poem collection, Ëndrra e lotë ("Dreams and Tears") was published in 1912 and was dedicated to the British anthropologist Edith Durham. Asdreni's third collection, Psallme murgu ("Psalms of a Monk"), came in 1930. After a brief return to Albania in 1914, Aleksandër returned to Romania and continued to take interest in the Albanian national movement. He visited Albania again in 1937, but he soon after again returned to Romania, where he lived the rest of his life.)

The Best Poem Of Aleksander Stavre Drenova

Hymni I Flamurit

Rreth flamurit të përbashkuar,
me një dëshirë e një qëllim.
Të gjithë atje duke u betuar,
të lidhim besën për shpëtim.
Prej lufte veç ai largohet,
që është lindur tradhëtor.
Kush është burrë nuk frikohet,
por vdes, por vdes si një dëshmor.
Në dorë armët do t'i mbajmë,
të mbrojmë atdheun në çdo kënd.
Të drejtat tona ne s'i ndajmë,
këtu armiqtë s'kanë vend.
Prej lufte veç ai largohet,
që është lindur tradhëtor.
Kush është burrë nuk frikohet,
por vdes, por vdes si një dëshmor.

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