Alexander Romanov

Alexander Romanov Poems

Who will love a lonely traveler
Who traveled far & seeks some rest
I will, said the old tree
My leaves shall shade you from the sun

Torment around me
Torment in me
Torment be with me
And let us conquer our foes

In the ebb and flow of fleeting years,
I marked the turn to thirty-four, it appears,
Habits gripping, tightening their hold,
Draining light, leaving shadows, growing cold.


I need an enemy to find peace,
To make all the senselessness objective.
To have sparks fall behind my back,
A black torch of hatred ablaze.


Life is the greatest mystery of all
On its tides you rise and fall
Sometimes life tears us apart
To bring us back again and light the fire from the start

In shadows deep, where darkness resides,
A poet delves where light subsides.
Words cloak the heart in somber attire,
Unveiling tales that stoke the fire.

Concealed realms,
Two opposing sides.
I am writhing in agony,
Melting inside,

In the depths of despair, I find myself lost,
A feeling of sadness, my mind is the cost.
My heart is a void, my soul full of pain,
As I contemplate ending my life in vain.



Just do not forget,
Thunder breaks the sky.

Forgotten in November's cold,
A living sunbeam, bright and bold,
Will whisper tales of me untold,
In clouds' ragged shroud, stories unfold.

Life is a Razorblade
On its edge we walk
Some slip and fall
But still – we walk

I am sitting here alone in my room
Accompanied by pale shadows and gloom
I paint your picture with my blood on the wall
As into the abyss of my nightmares I fall

Alone I live in a world of abhorrence and pain
All the torment & agony have driven me insane
Rivers of red blood slowly flow before me
Death, dread, & chaos is all that I can see

My fists have shattered men’s dreams
Destroyed families and crushed hopes
But when I open these hands
I can hold my wife, make my children laugh

My mind is distracted and confused
I feel misplaced, misunderstood, refused
I seek love but I find hate
I live a miserable life, cursed by fate

A broken heart utters a cry of agony & pain
Tears of mine are falling in a silent rain
It started to rain in the middle of the sun
O god, it seems my winter hath begun

Hold me tight this is a lonely night
And in my heart of darkness
You’ve been my only light
Shine my lovely one

All alone by the calm river I sat, under the pale moon
Softly plucking the strings of my guitar, playing a sad tune
Remembering all the problems, I caused thee and pain
But I miss thou my mistress like the dessert miss the rain

We traverse the slain spring in hushed strides
Past shattered dwellings and the aged in grays
Through verdant earth and charred blades of grass
Amidst the fallen flesh and grandest of frays

The sky imploded
With the sound of silence
The flicker of stars beneath my feet
Silver strings of heavens chime

Alexander Romanov Biography

Currently working on it)

The Best Poem Of Alexander Romanov

A Lonely Traveler

Who will love a lonely traveler
Who traveled far & seeks some rest
I will, said the old tree
My leaves shall shade you from the sun
So you can sleep
And all your darkest secrets
For you I shall keep

Who will take pity in his heart
And who will feed a starving traveler
I will, said the serene lake
For in my unfathomable waters
I have plenty of fish
So eat & drink my friend
As much as you wish

Who will love a lonely traveler
And who will remember his name
I will, said the earth
For all I created returns on to me
From dust were you made
And dust you shall be

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