Alexandra Elizabeth

Alexandra Elizabeth Poems


The first time I saw you
I did not know what to make of you.
You smiled at me,
Said, 'Hello, ' shyly.

'I can't.'
Two small words that brought down his whole world.
Stay. He begged over and over.
She asked for one reason.


It ripped through her like a knife.
It felt like she was choking on smoke.
She couldn't breathe,
Her heart raced so fast she thought it was the end.

It's like there's no one there,
Like everyone in the room is gone,
They stare with blank expressions acting like there's something wrong.
They will never understand the lonelyness.


Everything is over and done,
Despite what I thought.
I know its possible to be without,
It's better off this way.

I never did anything to you,
and yet for some reason you resent me.
Every chance you get, you take to hurt me in some way.
You took my love:


The pain itself, is just unbearable.
Like any second my skull will split,
Unleashing some sort of creature, dark and frightening,
Something even the strongest men would think twice about at night.

The Best Poem Of Alexandra Elizabeth


The first time I saw you
I did not know what to make of you.
You smiled at me,
Said, 'Hello, ' shyly.
By the end of the day,
You stumbled through your words
And with a sheepish look on your face,
Asked for my number.
I gave it to you.
Not even 15 minutes later I got a call from you.
My heart had nearly exploded.
It was right then and there
I knew the only thing I wanted was

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