Alexis Neal

Alexis Neal Poems

Just friends, lover no more.
Just friends but not like before to think of what we've been and not to kiss again.
Is like pretending it isn't the ending.

Its like a sun that never shines
A Book without Pages
A Closet without Clothes
A Bed without Pillows
A Guitar without Strings

He told me that he would wait for me
He told me that i was the only one for him
He told me that we would be together forever


It comes to a point in life when you and that special person will NEVER come to a whole again.

Why do I feel like a piece of me is leaving?
The one person I'm born to follow.
The one person made to guide me.
God will make what's destine to be happen.

I feel the way cement looks after 10 years.
Worn down to the point that I need to renew myself.
These salt filled tears stain my cheeks like raindrops do on cement.

Moving on is hard to do
Leaving the one you thought that loved you
Now you don't know what to do
To be hurt or to be loved?

The Best Poem Of Alexis Neal

Just Friends

Just friends, lover no more.
Just friends but not like before to think of what we've been and not to kiss again.
Is like pretending it isn't the ending.

Two friends - drifting apart
Two friends - but ONE broken heart.
WE loved, WE laughed, WE cried. Suddenly WE died but were just friends.

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