Alice Baudoin

Alice Baudoin Poems

Inexpressible pain
Like silence
Like a hand full of darkness

I have one last desire
Let me die
In the evening silence
By the sea

~ Born from your lips ~
I have danced around you,
Spent my childhood around your being,
Circled you like a spider, with dreams

-to Amitabh Bachchan-

“Those who wander along the beach

Sometimes even gods are dying
And leave their traces on the sky
Like sunsets when they fall and die
Without smiling, without lying

It was morning
And I loved
Your steps
Feeling the strength of the earth

The things we remember
Are the ones that have changed
The regard on our life,
And the meaning of gained

I mixed you up with the sky
In the end of the day

With the leaves

At times I see soul
On you face
Open book

A beautiful present we were
Crafted in evening rain
And shattering beauty

I was
Hanging on the stairway to dreams
My pockets full of hope
My soles heavy

To the ground,
In contempt,

Child of your lips that I am
I have played around your arms,
Spent my childhood around your being

It snows...
With every snowflake
A grain of future
Is planted

Life is the art of leaving behind
A past and a passion for love
A mystery, a regret, a dishonorable moment,
An embarrassing instant of glory

I'm here, spreading my wings.

Around, just solitude
And relics of truths

Everything started with a word,

I learnt that using the wrong word

"How sad and bad
And mad it was -
But then, how it was sweet"

What should I do
With my life
I have a rose
In my hand

You can not stop the time from passing
Nor the green leaves grow red on fall
You must accept the world in all
Its splendor, grief and sudden gasping

The Best Poem Of Alice Baudoin

'So Long As There Is Life, There Is Struggle' -Harivansh Rai Bachchan-

Inexpressible pain
Like silence
Like a hand full of darkness

Feelings of fear
Feelings of being overwhelmed
By sadness

Loneliness hurting
Like a dance in the forest at night
With the wolves

Leaves having the sound of autumn wind
But color vivid like summer
And my heart, likewise,
Having the sound of autumn wind
But the beat of a summer midday

I have turned every leaf
Like a page in a book
Out of searching
For unwritten answers

They say you will never be happy
If you’re not happy all by yourself

All by myself
The sun is burning me with life
And the sky bruises me

This October
Immaculate queen of brownish hills
My heart is leaving one world for another

Like you leave life for death
And death for a new life

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