Alisha Winburn

Alisha Winburn Poems


In his eyes, scars are beautiful.
Scars speak of pain,
Scars speak of brokenness,
But they also speak of survival and triumph.

The past won't help you in a new beginning,
You're done with it, you're through.
Start were you stand, and don't dwell
On the negativity you have encountered,

The Best Poem Of Alisha Winburn


In his eyes, scars are beautiful.
Scars speak of pain,
Scars speak of brokenness,
But they also speak of survival and triumph.
They reveal how it was,
And how it happened over and over again.
The struggles and pain you encountered
On a daily basis.
You want to hide them,
And pretend they don't exist.
Whether its emotional scars,
Mental scars,
Or self-inflicted…
People can see them,
Some can see that you are broken.
Scars don't make you any less beautiful
Inside or out.
They show you have overcome obstacles;
We're stars and we're beautiful!

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