ameila scotty

ameila scotty Poems

we met
we laughed
we kissed
we promised

Missing and wishing you were here
Now that you're gone, all I have are bittersweet memories that never fade
With an aching heart and emptiness the wishing for you to be here with me is agony initself

The Best Poem Of ameila scotty

Alone To Die

we met
we laughed
we kissed
we promised
we learned how to love another
we believed in another
made every moment of our lives matter even though it was though it was rough but we learned how to love our dark sides

we said things that we didnt mean but..our love will never ended and till this day I'll still love are my air that i love that'll never fade away..we promised each other till the end..and the end is near but even though ill be gone i still want you to look up at the sunrise and remember our love will live forever.

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