Amy Kerswell Poems

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You Left Without A Goodbye.

You left a life time ago.
You never said goodbye.
The angels took you home.
To rest in a beautiful place.

Foot Steps

I walked the footsteps of life.
Through hot cobbles and fire.
I walked the footsteps of pain and hurt.
I was forced to walk in to the woods.

With Love

To the one I miss so much.
Grandad my best friend
Your life was a love.
Your smile always shining.

God Took You Home

God took you home to day.
It seems a life time ago.
Your loving laughter has gone.
God took you back home.

Suicides Note From Me To You

I have gone now
I took the plunge
And did it a while Ago.
I dont no where Ill be now

On My Way Out Of The World

Im on my way out of the world.
Now I did take the pills
And took the razor to my wrists.
I decided I wanted out of this world.

How The Hell Do I Make It Clear?

Just what am supposed to do?
How am I supposed to make it clear?
When will you understand?
Will you ever let me go?

Wild Sea Of Emotions

A sea of emoitions
Wild and rebelling.
Mabey sums it up.

I Must Leave You For A While

I must leave you all now
Not for the short term.
Its for the long term.
Its forever.

Lifes Missfit

Im a missfit of life.
Never had nowhere to belong.
Argue with every1
this was my way.

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