Amy Kerswell Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Shall Die Tonight Or Very Soon

I will die tonight
Oh yes I will
I'm going to leave
Leave all my pain behind.

Trough Death I Walk

Im about to walk through death
Through another door of life.
A diffent lane to walk.


Flashbacks Flashbacks
How they mess with my head.
Flashbacks go away.
Please stop this mental tourture.

Dont Tell Me To Snap Out Of It

Why must you Tell me this?
The same thing day in day out.
Just snap out of it.
Its easier said than done.

The Pain Never Goes Away

The pain of abuse
Has never gone away for me.
It has stayed with me everyday.
I may as well still be

Broken Girl

I feel like a girl broken.
I no im broken in my heart.
Why do I feel this way.
I would love to no.

Lost Key

The key to my emotions is lost.
I lost the key years ago.
Shut down all my feelings.
Now noone can hurt me again.

The Nights I Tried To Kill Myself

I tried to kill my self a few nights ago
I cut my Wrists
And tied a loose around my neck.
Still I did not succeed

If Only Walls Had Eyes

If only walls could have eyes.
Or even gaps in between.
You would be able to spy
And get a glimpse of me

Borrewed Time(Confusion)

Heard it many times.
Heard it said before.
'your living on borrowed Time'

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