Sara Pakdoost

Sara Pakdoost Poems

Death is a classroom
A corpse, the teacher
The living, students
The lesson taught


Life is a film
Produced by nature
Directed by fate
And you the star

After the red sunset
An eerie darkness ensues
Blood is no longer

Angels walk by you
when you stand
sing heavenly
when you smile

The autumn leaf
falls so gracefully
happy to have been green once
glad now to be free

After midnight
The world seems to scorn me
The sky in its prime

You are most beautiful
When you hurt
When your eyes fight back the tears
When your heart moans pathetically

Shelter me
In your arms;
Like an injured bird
Let me live my hours there

When misery attacks
Surrender your heart
Let the darkness
Invade your soul

Happiness is not a gift
It is bought and sold
It may be taken

The Best Poem Of Sara Pakdoost

Death Is A Classroom

Death is a classroom
A corpse, the teacher
The living, students
The lesson taught
Is written
In an ever quivering hand
On the edges of the soul
Till The bells ring
Class is dismissed
And the playground of life
Calls once more

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