Life Poem by Sara Pakdoost


Rating: 4.8

Life is a film
Produced by nature
Directed by fate
And you the star
Gradually learn the script
Tragedy, comedy, horror
You learn your part
the credits roll on
And death leaves the theatre

Duncan Wyllie 20 May 2006

This is really creative and so much of what we have come to know, but your style has done the subject such justice, Brilliant! ! ! Love duncan

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Mariah Gonzalez 20 May 2006

This is my favorite out of all your poems i'm gonna add you as a friend. Oh anf if you do read mine can you rate them so i can see what ones are best

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Asal Banu 14 August 2013

Life is a film but everyone can act very well... :)

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Kelly Seale 29 November 2012

Anahita... this is so profound... your view on life and death, have a fresh yet, old-worldlytake... I'm consumed by your words... Great Ink! The Best! ; -) -Kelly.

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Sina Farajzadeh 16 November 2012

Well the way you express your mind is precious. Your style and the metaphor in the first line says the whole idea. You believe that we if know our roles we'll be stars. So what's the role of Fate who is the director? In contrast to your view, I guess because of the injustices in the world, we have no opportunity to be like a star, the best we can do is to be gone out of the stage and scene as soon as possible.

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Nader Baheri 16 November 2012

great and brilliant. life is like a film and as short as a movie.but it may be directed by ourselves too. cheers~nb

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