Ananth Patri

Ananth Patri Poems

The most enjoying period in one's life,
Is the exciting childhood life.
There is so much time for play,
And also make things with clay.

Oh! its a hot summer day,
When the temperatures are high,
Yes, this is the month of May,
All-man and animals cry-

Journey in an Indian Train,
At the time of a drizzly-rain,
Gives quite a wonderful experience,
Which can be kept in rememberance.

When I open my eyes.
I see u
When I close my eyes.
I feel u

A dream to follow
For which we aspire
We endure all pain, we perspire
Cause we are the MEN OF HONOUR! ! !

The Best Poem Of Ananth Patri


The most enjoying period in one's life,
Is the exciting childhood life.
There is so much time for play,
And also make things with clay.

We make many friends,
And chat away to no ends.
There is no need to worry,
Or to be in a hurry.

There are no tensions,
For we do'nt look for pensions.
Such a quiet, pleasant life,
Is the wonderful Childhood life.

There is no need to carry loads,
Or work day in and out laying roads.
But a much simpler job-Studying,
Which is the only short cut for prospering.

Oh! childhood, how I wish to get it back,
But could recollect memories preserved in a rack.
So friend, enjoy the childhood to the content of the heart,
But without neglecting the studies part.

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