Anbudan Miththiran Poems

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We Must Need Together

My Mind is a Wire...
You are a Voltage...
When you forces on my mind, there produce some current as Love...
Those Love will make our life as bright...

It Is Understandable For Experienced People

What can you do to work on the first question of many who are in the life of the drowning in the sea?
How much do you earn?
Which will flow into subsequent questioning...
It is understandable for experienced people...


I am looking at the sky.
Clouds in the sky, secretly, viewing shaken by Thin,
Cool air of the evening like as a child.

The Wisdom Way Of Life

I'm interested in Sunlight, Since the sun is being driven out of the world by lighting the Darkness...
So, The sun is the best guide to anyone who wants to live his/her life as without selfishness and useful...

Good deeds defines your lifestyle...

Importance Of Loneliness

In the birth of man is a thrills.
Too, Being Alone is very thrills.
Loneliness is a medicine to the troubled heart...

The Law Of Karma

If you humiliate someone
And think it is a just reward
You will face the same fate
As the law of karma is restored

The World's Deceivers

In shadows deep, they hold the power's might,
Deception's cloak, they wield both day and night.
With NATO's strength, they conquer and command,
Yet do they seek a world of peace, or just to expand?

Travel With Success As Your Goal...

Like a cloudy sky,
Living in sadness
Not always; a changing day,
Don't forget to be happy then;

Awakening In The Library

In the library's hush, where silence reigns supreme,
A book lay dreaming, lost in its own serene.
But the librarian, with a gentle reprimand,
Disturbed its peaceful slumber, with a firm command.

Transient Angel

In whispers soft, an angel's grace,
Once given, now vanished without a trace.
With the change, she came and went,
A fleeting presence, heaven-sent.

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