Andreas Simic

Andreas Simic Poems

Lost Words©

It was only later
After seeing him hooked up to a ventilator

Standing at the kitchen sink
My wife quips "you are one happy person"

It is right there and then I realized

I think oftwhat it would be like to be one of them

To look at the world through rose colored glasses

Oft I ponder the quest that I have been delivered upon

Whilst laying in the midst of a field of straw

She has been the twinkle in my eye
Since we were knee high

The girl next door

It is like there are two parts, the watched and the watcher
The watcher seeing a struggle to find love
An essential ingredient to happiness and self fulfillment

When you are

He thought it was just a game well played
Sitting here in the grass and shade

He never wanted to hurt anyone

The scroll bar for anapplication
takes forever to get to your year of birth

The creaks you hear are your bones

The Flower - A Tribute ©

Thank you flower for the wonderful bouquet you present to me

She is most like her age

Time having eroded some of her natural beauty

Actively achieve
Beautiful bounty
Ceremoniously created
Doing deeds

In my world there would be no wars
Parliaments would agree to agree
Any sort of "ism" would have become obsolete
We would develop color blindness to skin tone


What an amazing thing it is
the center of the highways and byways of humanness

A rhythmic beating that stirs the soul

Went to get a card for my loved one
There it was all shiny and new
Held together with paper and glue

If I was a kitten
Maybe I wouldn't be so smitten
It's as though I've been bitten


Tick tock goes the clock
Sometimes fast sometimes slow
Especially Fridays ergo

Can you see it through...

I wake up with a start, it is back and I know what it is!
Why else would I wake up at 3: 00 a.m. in the morning?
Why else would my heart be racing?
Why else would my pulse be pacing?

When I am here, I miss being there
When I am there, I miss being here

When I am in solitude, I miss companionship

Andreas Simic Biography

Andreas Simic is a Canadian writer and poet. With an eclectic life and having travelled extensively he has accumulated a reservoir of experiences to share in his writings. He has authored the Twelve Secrets to Success and the Emotional Legacy Handbook along with a plethora of poems. He is known for his quote "We are human beings, not human doings. Every once in a while we need to stop and smell the roses, hear what is really being said, taste the essence of life, touch someone's heart and see life for what it truly is, a journey with rest areas." Andreas is passionate about helping people and created the Meristic Approach to Financial Literacy. Leading to his oft used quote 'It takes a village to raise a child, a team to build a dream and a community to foster financial literacy.)

The Best Poem Of Andreas Simic

Lost Words

Lost Words©

It was only later
After seeing him hooked up to a ventilator

That I realized what he had said
And a reflection came that I would later retread

For deep down inside I always knew
That my dad was there for me as I grew

He was harsh and intense on occasion
Some would even call it abrasion

But there was that other side
When we were alone me along for the ride

He did his duty as a father
Bringing home the bacon with little bother

But the lessons taught
Were what I bought

How to strive
To stay alive

To be the best I can be
For all to see

Have kindness for my fellow man
Help wherever I can

Be a father to a son
Be there to protect everyone

Give a care
If you dare

That tomorrow will be a better day
When you get ego out of the way

As I sit here to lament
I recall those lost words he had repent

After waiting all those long years
And though he is long gone they still bring me tears

Those lost words you ask "I love you…"

Andreas Simic©

Andreas Simic Comments

Andreas Simic Quotes

'We are human beings, not human doings. Every once in a while we need to stop and smell the roses, hear what is really being said, taste the essence of life, touch someone's heart and see life for what it truly is, a journey with rest areas.'

'Balance well those things important in life, family, friends, relationships and health, for not doing so can lay unexpected land mines in your journey to success.'

'Trust your instincts and your talents, you will be surprised how often they lead you on the right course of action' Andreas Simic

'A well worn path is the most comfortable to follow.'

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