Angela Wybrow Poems

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Colourful Camden

Today, I found myself in Camden Town;
I had time to spare, so I looked around.
It was a place that I had not visited before,
But it's a part of London, I'd love to visit more.

On Equal Ground

There is a place which I have found
Where I can be on equal ground.
I’d always thought that I was wrong;
That I was a little less able all along.

The Seller Of Dreams

A customer once asked me
‘Do you sell dreams? ’

By his request, I felt quite amused,

Secret Songbird

I didn’t know she loved to sing,
Or what feelings it would bring.
Her performance came out of the blue:
It wasn’t planned – it was impromptu.

Rhyme Riot

When I jump into bed,
There’s no rhyme in my head.
But, when I wake up at two,
The reverse is then true.

This Is London

A city ever changing;
Forever rearranging;
A city so inspiring;
Never ever tiring;

Journey Home

Way back when the war first started,
From my folks, I found myself parted;
They didn't want to send me away,
But, in the city, it was too dangerous to stay.


Dark, slender, uniformed shapes,
Circling round in the shallows;
They glide, seemingly effortlessly,

Cycling In The Countryside

In my spare time, I love to ride
My bicycle out in the countryside.
I love to leave the town far behind;
Inner peace, I am hoping to find.

Girls' Night Out

To our favourite pub in town, my friends and I, hurry.
For just over a fiver, we can order a drink and a curry.
From the bar, we grab our change and various drinks,
And there’s a loud chorus of ‘cheers! ’ as glasses clink.

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