Angelo Mitchell

Angelo Mitchell Poems

Change that's what I see
we still living worse
thinking money is the be all
I know we have to use it

I thought success was having money,
but I know now
people can't trust each other anymore
that's why most people that are rich

My angel My angel where you are
let our love shine and go far
lovely angel you are my reason to live
love and happiness is the only thing I love to give

I'm African
cause I know who I am
I'm African cause my color represent me
I'm African cause of my African History

Time for us to rise
study your African history
from Marcus Garvey to John Henrik Clarke
African living is our time

Angelo Mitchell Biography

My name is Michael Mitchell and one day I want to write poetry for a living, so I can enlighten the world with thoughts and ideas.)

The Best Poem Of Angelo Mitchell


Change that's what I see
we still living worse
thinking money is the be all
I know we have to use it
to pay our bills
people being abject
corrupted inside a world of abomination
using money to erase unhappiness and pain
young people we still can change.

We can change
change the way we talk
always cussing
change the way we eat
always eating unhealthy food
change the way we treat each other
no matter who's dark or light
change the way we look at money
use it to build and make big businesses
we must change.

Change is hard I know
but it's within you
everybody living in pain
but we still can change
I see hop
I see a change for the better
we all should come together and share a bond
as I breathe each and everyday
we can change in the now
making the world a better place.

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