Aniruddha Pathak Poems

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Words Well Worth 6: Fond Eye Sees Unfair

How jaundiced O man can ye get?
How biased, prejudiced at that!
Evil deeds of friends fair ye deem,
An old dress howso dear may seem,

Mahabharata 20: Five Ways To Welcome Guests

A straw mat on ground to sit,
A place in the house discreet,
Water to drink, wash guest's feet,
Words of welcome warm and sweet,

First Letter Of Love

The hatchlings in parental nest,
How much the raw wings may flutter,
It'd still take time before they fly.

Bricks Of Guilt

When wisdom weighed me down, I kept mouth shut,
So behaves one of three we call discreet,
Who never fingers of their own would cut,
Who'd let an axe fall upon one's own feet?

Who Cares To Notice-6?

A drop from ocean
Thrown off in giant motion
Moves no emotion!

Who Cares To Notice-7?

So vain is man's mime.
In a vast ocean of time
Small whirl as in sea,
A brown leaf blown off a tree,

Happy Forever… No Such Bird

He whose health lives longer than lasts his cash,
Limbs lasting long to cheer jolly good years,
He that can laugh like a loud lightning flash,
Fortune and fate good friends, who has no fears,

Building Castles Of Joy

If half my happiness should hail from cradle—
Be it peacock's rain dance or cuckoo's coo,
Be it a frugal meal's caressing taste,
Retiring or rising sun at seashore,

Roaches And Roosters And Cocks

Fair words that boast of lawful birth
With no sex-stained biased image,
When made to look like white-robed sage,
But such is man's misguided mirth….

Bad Maketh The News

Look the lead pages; look all dailies—
A storehouse of sordid stink and sleaze,
Competing each to each,
Racing, rare heights to reach,

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