Aniruddha Pathak Poems

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The Song Of Life: 18. Never Can Weapons Wound It

Never can weapons wound it,
Nor can fire burn it either,
Neither can water wet it,
Nor can the wind wither.|| 2.23 ||

Man Alone Waits

Time waits, nor heavens,
Nor nature, whatso happens;
For trifles man waits.

Love Is Not To Possess -I

Kept in a golden cage
In royal assemblage,
Too dearly did the king
Love his nightingale's singing,

Humour And Wit

People thought he had humour and wit,
And he too fully agreed with it.
But humour lacking sense
Wit turning pale from thence,

Smile, The Source Of Joy

Stranded as if
On an isolate isle
All these long while,
I waited for joy to happen.

Words Well Worth 29: People Bow To Rising Sun

Wind hails a helping hand
To raging, flaring fire in forest,
The same wind kills a candle in haste,
No'ne's weak-and-meek's friend,

Words Well Worth 27: Fame Favours Fortunate Few

Month to month shines moon with the same hue,
But seldom doth the world that way view,
Calling one the bright phase,
Funny O Fate thine ways,

The Song Of Life: 21. None Knows This Atman Still

Some sees the soul in wistful wonder,
Others so speak of it to ponder,
In wonderment others of it hear,
Even then none know it still. || 2.29 ||

Beak-Locked On A Branch

Beak-in-beak on tree
Locked in love's togetherness,
Love made, on their ways.

Sweat Communal Can't Get

Be it stench of labour's sweat
Or be it sewage for that,
Communal scarce can it get.
Alike following the fates

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