Aniruddha Pathak Poems

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A Moment's Wait And…

Failed for long to hold
And the life fell down.
A frown on face showed,
Pride had lost the crown.

The Sound Of Silence

Missing am I that rare sound of silence
Which, heard I'd only in mind, not in ears,
And ah what a unique kind of silence—
The sound coming as if from far off spheres!

St Kabeer's Couplets 36: The Saintly Shed No Saintliness

In face of countless crookedness,
The saintly shed no saintliness.
Let a cobra encircle its flanks,
The sandalwood no coolness junks.

St Kabeer's Couplets 25: Trim Anything Extreme

No good garrulous gushing sans latch,
Nor ever all glued up lips as such,
Nor is good too much rain,
Nor ever too much sun,

Mesmerized By Moon's Silver

Mesmerized by moon's silver,
Overawed by her,
And still in wonder,

Beauty's No Boon From Cupid

I recall my visits to home town,
Recall mornings and long walks down
Past a bridge and across a small river,
And that scene that sent in me a shiver:

Travel: Reflections

Travel educates,
And when one reflects
On it, it illuminates.

St Kabeer's Couplets 27: Two Minds That Never Meet

Asks Kabeer how to long carry
Company of banana and berry,
One in windy air sways,
And with torn leaves it pays.

St Kabeer's Couplets 28: Blibd Faith Begets No God

If stone-worship helps me gain God,
I'd worship any a mount odd,
It's grinding stones that the world eats,
But no one as deity them treats.___________________________________________________________

Walls That Divide

No, not a temple to pray
Seems what we are in search,
Nor for prayers a mosque,
Nor ever a church,

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