anju addanki Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My First Love

Never thought would fall in love,
And wondered how lovers do,
Always thought it was impossible,
But, still found myself in love with you.

To My Valentine!

Darling hubby, accept this token-
For my love was never spoken.

With your love so sweet-

Husband Haiku

Complex, can't understand,
A simple man,
My husband.

That's What Love Can Do

Falling in love is difficult,
But once in pit of love-
Its difficult to come back.
Love is a feeling,

Waqt(Time) Hindi Poem

Another Haiku On Love

To My Life

Few couplets to my life my dear wife:

- There are so many women in this world, and ofcourse some are very beautiful as well, But darling Where can I find a face whose every feature, every wrinkle, just reminds me of the memories of my life including the my pains, and my hardships which I read in wifes sweet face.I just Love you.

Life Without You! ! !

Life without you-
I have no complaints,
Life without you-
Is so meaningless.

As I See You!

As I see you-
My heartbeat skips,
As I see you-
Nothing else I can see,

Loves Union.

Today we got engaged-
That was the beginning of my life's new page.
With a new feeling-
Our hearts were dealing.

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