Ankur Beohar Poems

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The Impasse

And what unthinkable things
I do, because of my vanity
I wander berserk in the woods
In search of felicity!

Voyage - Iii

There were no promises to make
No special good-byes
but I did push away a few people off my life
who didn't find a reason enough to stand by

Voyage - Iv

What exactly do you carry
when you embark a train to leave?
A few invaluable gifts in your bag
And a heart yearning to cleave!

The Predicament

This idea of existence is not my own
Swept by the sea of oblivious unknown
Guided by the stars which lay awake through the night
In the canopy of the heaven's unfathomable might

The Kindered Dawn

Beyond this dawn are the others
Of which the others have got no clue
Pulsating in a rhythms of nascent rays
When the winds of sadness bid adieu

The Spirit Unbound

I too am a bound spirit
Nurtured by creativity
encouraged by the hope of freedom
adorning worldly masks effortlessly.

The Eternal Pursuit

Yet another gentle Gnarl in my destiny
Another person's life impressed upon me
as I make way through the vacuum of my impoverished spirit
into the shining star of supernal luminosity

The Arrow Of My Heart

An arrow from the darkness of my heart
shot in the direction of my heart
raging with fire of the fiery passion that we shared
while penning down the chronicles of our art.

This Thing Called Love

As I dive deep into this thing called love,
admiring the surprizing thing
walking besides a human who's so alive
and throwing away useless blings

The Voyage - I

Where am I?
What place could this be,
how far away is this place
what is it's distance from my destiny!

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