Anna Johnston MacManus Poems

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Our Road

Here is the road that you must climb with me,
This road that winds between the hill and sea,
And leads to where our quiet home shall be.

In Donegal

I know a purple moorland where a blue loch lies,
Where the lonely plover circles, and the peewit cries,

The Green Woods Of Truagh

In the green woods of Truagh we met without fear,
Your kiss on my lips, and your voice in my ear,

The Heathery Hill

I MIND it well, and I see it yet
In a halo of sunset glory,
When I climbed knee-deep through the gorse and fern
To keep my tryst with Rory.

The Song Of Ciabhan

To the Isle of Peace
I turn our prow:
No angry seas
Shall fright you now;

The Wayfarer

He had no crown upon his head
When first he met me by the way,
His feet upon the thorns had bled,

The Curse Of Mora

The fretted fires of Mora
Blew o'er him in the night,
He thrills no more at loving,
Nor weeps for lost delight,

A Ballad Of Galway

The market place is all astir,
The sombre streets are gay,
And lo! a stately galleon
Lies anchored in the Bay–

The Sad Song Of Finian

I was sent adrift on the waves of the world,
Ochón! ochón!
All for the sake of the yellow-curled
Slender girl that I wished my own.

The Shadow House Of Lugh

Dream-fair, beside dream waters, it stands alone:
A winging thought of Lugh made its corner stone:

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