arsene choya

arsene choya Poems


Why the babies starve
When there is enough food
To feed the all world.
Why is there so many

The Best Poem Of arsene choya


Why the babies starve
When there is enough food
To feed the all world.
Why is there so many
Of us and people still lonely
Why are the government called
Peace keepers
When they are armed to kill?
Why a woman still not safe
When she is in her isomers?
Why are there rich people?
And poor people
Why can we be equal to each other?
Why do we call ourselves religious?
When we hate ours neighbours
Why lies
When you know the truth
If questioning would make
Us wise no eyes would ever gaze in
Eyes; if our entire tale were told in speech
No mouths would wander each to each
Love means hate
War means peace
No means yes
We all free
That why someone has
To answer all these questions
When the day comes
When the blind removed their blindness
And people speak the truth

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