Ashika Amutha

Ashika Amutha Poems

Life has betrayed me
Past was filled with agony
Present is killing
and future is waiting! ! !

Once you came into my life.......
changed my ordinary life into a fairytale!
U were my handsome prince....! ! ! !
I may not have long hair

The Best Poem Of Ashika Amutha


Life has betrayed me
Past was filled with agony
Present is killing
and future is waiting! ! !

The past haunts my heart
You were a part of my past
You were a dream which wasn't meant to last!

I cry, I smile
Sometimes I do laugh for a while
Am not the same anymore
from the day you tore my soul! ! !

Am dead within you
But still you live within me
Such is life's irony....
Let the past bury it's past
Let the present bring a change
Let the future take over! ! ! !

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Ashika Amutha Quotes

Be it a cup of coffee or a heart with love, when left to wait for longer it turns cold! !

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