Ashleigh Gaffney Poems

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Cold Black Stone

Cold black stone
Left me standing here all alone
A road I’ve found no end
So many bumps and turns

A True Friend

A true friend never walks away
A true friend will always stay
A true friend looks out for you

Special Friends

As we walk out path of life,
We meet people everyday.
Most are simply met by chance,
But some are sent out way.


the cut
the tighten fist
the anger at one
the need to yell

Did It Again

Don't try and save me
I just want you to see
Alone in this fight
Struggle as I might

But Deep Down, I Wish

All those times I cried for you,
You never came
Out of all the sports I played
You never showed up at one game

Mirror Image

Who's that girl there I see?
She's looking back at me.
I see she's not happy but
Don't know why, who is she?

They Cry For Me

I don’t need help
I don’t cry for help
I don’t cry for attention
I don’t cry at all

It Happens

Harsh words and violent blows
Hidden secrets nobody knows
Eyes are open, hands are fisted
Deep inside I'm warped and twisted

I Am Poetry

I just write,
When I want to.
When I feel the need.
Word by word, I proceed.

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