Audrey Heller Poems

Hit Title Date Added

Just keep on smiling and you'll
get through! As those around
you, respond better, to you!
Everyone like, a happy face to

Never Leave Me

Never, do I want you to leave me!
Never, do I want you to go! Life
without you, would be unbearable,
this much, I surely know! If you

Looking Forward To A Wedding

In September, my grandson eloped
and now, a wedding is going to be
held in June! I'm really very happy
about this, for now, I'll get to see a

The End Of September

It's almost the end of September and
in most places, fall is in the air! But I
live down south, where the heat persists
and still, lingers there! At times, it can

Talk It Over

It isn't good to bicker, it isn't good to
fight! It isn't good, to say nasty things
for it causes, a sleepless night! It's
better to talk things over, in a pleasant

I Feel Your Presence

I believe, you're around me, every
single day, I can feel your presence
and there's so much, I'd like to say!
First, I'd tell you, how much I miss

Taking Forever To Get Over You

Why, is it taking forever, for me to
get over you? Why, do I let myself,
be unhappy and so blue? Why, do
I keep you, in my thoughts, every

Memorial Day

Today, on Memorial Day, we honor
the soldiers, that have gone to war!
Many, never came back and the ones
that did, suffered heartache and pain,

Good Intentions

I had many things, I had planned to do,
but had to take a break, for even though,
my intentions were good, I found it was, a
big mistake! Some days, you find, it's hard

A Father And His Little Girl

Whenever I watch, this particular
commercial, it brings tears, to my
eyes! It shows this man, whose
gone on a business trip, opening

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