Audrey Heller Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Cold Winter Day

When it's a cold winter day, it's nice if
you can stay inside! Cuddled up, with
a good book, by a fireside, listening to
beautiful music, of yesteryear. Makes


Health, is more important than
wealth, for you can't buy health,
with money! You can buy a lot of
things, but without your health,

A Food Lover

It can't be said, that everyone, is a
lover of food. But I'm one of those
people, who can indulge, regardless
of my mood. Everything, that's put

Accepting The Differences

Don't try, to exert control, over someone
else, by attempting, to get others to think
like you. You can try from here until tomorrow,
but they'll never follow through. Accepting the

Needing Someone

Sometimes I get restless, looking
for that port in a storm. A place to
go, that I know, will keep me safe
and warm. I guess there's times,

Hopes And Dreams

We all have our hopes and
dreams, It makes life seem
worthwhile! If we can adhere
to that thought most of the time,

A Great Grandparent

There are things we look forward to, as
we get on in years. Our children get
married, raise children of their own,
through all the sweat and tears. Before

April Fools Day

When it's April Fools Day, you
better beware. There's so many
pranksters, lurking out there.
They're waiting to bait you, with

Staying Fit

Most of us, try to stay fit! And staying
away, from the food we like, get's us
in a snit! How is it possible, not to eat,
what you like and not, have it show?


We all look forward to birthdays, especially
when we were young. You didn't have a care
in the world, just busy having fun! Before you
realized, your next birthday was here. It went

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