Babatunde Aremu Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Dark Streets

These streets are well laid
The edifices are glamorous
Their roofs symbolize opulence
The flowers are well-fed


Atioro, ever busy bird
Stop flying a little
Rest a while
Your flight is good

I Am A Civil Servant

I am a civil servant
That's not my real name
I am a baptised civil servant
This name puts bread on my table

Hope In Limbo

Doused conflagration delivers ashes.
A harvested plantain tree
Gives breathing space for suckers to thrive.
The transition of a great monarch

Celebrate Our Children

Let's celebrate our children
They are our inestimable garments
That wraps us when we are old
Let's rejoice with the young ones

Willd Ostriches

Massive and wild ostriches
Pervade our land
These birds are flightless
Yet they are swift beings

More Time

Its available all through
Yet its not enough
As its hands tick away
We crave for more

Limited Time

I now know why
There's season for everything
I now know why green vegetation
Suddenly turned yellow and withered

Let The Music Play On

There is a music within me
No one hears it but me
No back-up soloist but me
It is neither sang by a physical vocalist

How Did We Get Here?

How did we get here?
I wonder why we are here
From the place of glory
We are suddenly lowered into gory

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