Balram Cheruparamabil

Balram Cheruparamabil Poems


Why did you come here my lovely child?
To this world where evil runs so wild,
Where cruel despots rule unchecked,
Where callously so many lives are wrecked.

Towering figures of dazzling light,
Plunge into the savage fight,
Dark creatures of the night,
Match them in their stunning might.

The Best Poem Of Balram Cheruparamabil


Why did you come here my lovely child?
To this world where evil runs so wild,
Where cruel despots rule unchecked,
Where callously so many lives are wrecked.

The innocence in your eyes so dear,
The joy on your face so clear,
The love in your heart so sweet,
The trust with which, the world you meet.

Such treasures are Oh! So rare,
In a world whose larder of virtue is bare,
You belong to a better place than this,
A place that must you, sorely miss,

But do stay and light this darkness for me,
Let me through your eyes true happiness see,
In return my life I pledge to thee,
You, who sets my spirit soaring free.

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