Bambina Chatterjee

Bambina Chatterjee Poems

Do you see the Purpose of your creation?
Not everyone realizes that, and if he does..
The world would be a greater and better place for him.
In an around we have many who needs, but

A little child walked looking above at the sky by the river
She was so excited to see above the moving clouds all clear
The snow like clouds caught her attention and she wondered
From where is all these cotton like snow created she pondered


As the Ray of sun shines upon and spreads its glazing look
The rim of it makes me talk and express my feeling in my book
Oh how joyful I feel when I experience the presence of the Ray
It holds my very being and asks me how strongly you want me to stay

When I met you first, My heartfelt its rest
You made me your best, and my whole self I lost
I felt the deepness of your love and your owe to be mine
To have me in your life and never to set apart

In the light of my life there is a sudden sparkle.
Am totally shocked and am wondering,
what is it trying to say,
Then I have a strong feeling it is so touching

Oh my life, it is what I call in day and in night.
But when pain comes it is filled with freight,
and in happiness it is all such bright.
Oh my life, I love to live you.

I got a time machine which took me thro where I want…
Guess which time of my life I would want to look back
Yes! I choose the amazing days of my life my school days
I took the change at a glance and vanished back to time.

I was asked tell me what is your dearest wish?
Instantly the answer was to go back to my school days.
To my lovely friends and thank them
They have always made me a Rock Star…

Amazing is the thought that I love you,
Gazing in your eyes I sweat with all joys
You move me from every cell and fill my being
Oh what can I say, you filled me up like a flooded river

Have you ever thought what the dream of my soul meant.
Its the dream, I have for the most adorable person felt.
In pains and sorrows, in love and distress, It is she who's sent.
It is non other than my loving daughter at whom I gaze and melt.

Bambina Chatterjee Biography

a content person by nature, who loves to see poems in everything I come across, who loves the divine Lord and thank him for his wonderful creation of the earth and the things in them... and I always believe that Life is a blessing, and when you live with Gratitude you will turn all impossible things to possible... Remember and say these 3 words every single time when you feel the touch and realise you are alive and are blessed Thank you Thank you Thank you.... Its truly indeed an amazing feeling... Favorite Quotations and always believe A Child is like a butterfly in the wind, Some can fly higher than others, But each one flies the best it can. Why compare one against the other? Each one is different. Each one is special. Each one is beautiful.)

The Best Poem Of Bambina Chatterjee

Purpose Of Creation

Do you see the Purpose of your creation?
Not everyone realizes that, and if he does..
The world would be a greater and better place for him.
In an around we have many who needs, but
Have you ever thought what are your deeds.
The seeds of past n present have been sown.
But whose ready to reap for all of it.
In times of distress n pain
All shy away as its not for their gain,
Since its all for him a vain.
Then who then who.. is created for the purpose.
Is it god himself...oh we all.
We should all deliver the purpose of our own creation.

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