Barnabas Adeleke

Barnabas Adeleke Poems

It is about time - your ascent.
The swelling darkness, abhorrent.
What delays you tonight
To cast your light so bright?

The Best Poem Of Barnabas Adeleke

The Moonlight Strike

It is about time - your ascent.
The swelling darkness, abhorrent.
What delays you tonight
To cast your light so bright?

The stars yonder, ever twinkling,
Can they coalesce to illume so unblinkingly?
For your glow is enough in its intensity,
To outshine their glints even in such numerosity.

It is about time, I say!
Hearken. Rise I pray!
Slash the jaws of Nox,
Which preys on me, alas like a fox.

Here in this solitude,
I am blinded. None to give fortitude.
And if you eschew my tears and plight,
How do I journey without heaven's guide?

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