Barry Van Allen Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Chasing My Tale

I don't like it either,
but, I have to do what must be done,
what must be taken care of,
seems a lot like growing up!

Those Eyes

I have seen a pair of eyes,
a pair that has seen the light of many days,
and seen the path to follow through the haze.


You only get one try at this,
but, every church says two,
that's how they get and keep the converts,
- - - by promising another try,

Sighs Madders

I've tried to build my life on what is right,
to distinguish what is false from what is true,
I always knew it would not happen overnight,
I've not seen clearly since I fell in love with you.

Falling Rain

Lazy August day today,
I stopped along the way,
thinking that I had,
a thing or two to say.

Girly Things

Pretty summer dresses,
long and flowing tresses,
lipstick and mascara,
turning massive men to messes.

Into You

I'm into how you think,
I'm into your attitude,
I'm into how you kiss me,
as we share our gratitude.

Surreal Words

When ' I like you' seems too easy,
and when ' I think you're cute ' seems slow,
with everything I know of language,
where do the right words go?

Skirmish 5

We don't seek to be the ' Bully ' of the world,
yet, we are the ' Target ' of the world,
I guess it's easier to ' take aim ',
than to stand upon your own two legs,

Slow, Easy, Movin'

Over there, there is a tree,
among the other trees,
beneath the sky, above the ground,
they simply stand amidst the breeze.

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