Becky Ginn Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Before You Came! ! *

Before you came in my life I had no one to turn to
Or no one who really cared. But since you came
You’ve turned it all around by giving me the life
I never had and the one I’ve always wanted.

No One! !

None of you care,
I know you don't,
You say you do,
Because you have to,

Sometimes! !

If everything was meant to be
And everyone was equal
If life was fair all the time
Then perhaps I wouldn’t be here

Just....Thanks! !

Just to say thanks,
For being there.
When I feel alone,
When you can just tell I'm scared.

How She Died! !

I went straight to my room,
And stayed out of Mama's face.
For a while I felt safe, Daddy.
I hadn't said or done anything wrong.

Without You! ! *

Some day you will ask me what is more important to me
You.....Or my life
I will say my life
You may walk out on me....

Reflection! !

I fix the others eyes with mine.
Cold and glassy, show no emotion,
I don't want to cry anymore.

Uncharacteristic Hate!

I can't put into words how I feel,
Can't even begin where to start,
I feel so broken and abused,
A lost child with a broken heart,

Secrets! !

Fooling people is what she started to do
So people cant see she feel like poo
Secrets not said
Secrets that make her want to be dead

Made Up Heart Brake! !

When I first saw you
I got bad vibes and thought what you might do
I thought you might take andvantage and fright
You were evil so I was right

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