Becky Ginn Poems

Hit Title Date Added
04- Haiku- Birds!

Bird song all around

For You Grandpa!

Each night I shed a silent tear
As I speak to you in my prayers
To let you know I love you Grandpa
And show you just how much I care

My Inspiration!

Sometimes I think of you
and tears fill my eyes
to think of the meaning
You've given my life

Animals! ! !

I wanna be free as a bird
I wanna fly high in the sky
I wanna peck like a woodpecker does
I think I might try it!

I'M Finally Free! !

So I'm back at the beggining
And yet I have so much more
I smile and finally I can
Shut depressions door.

Emo Acrostic!

Emotional is what they call us
Maybe they just don't understand
Or more like they don't want to


Geography is really hard
There's always things to do
Places to go, people to see
We may even come to you

Light At The End Of The Tunnel! !

They say there's a light
Waiting at the end of the tunnel
They say it's really there,
A symbol of hope

Poem To A Counsellor! ! *

Thank you for being there,
I thought that you wouldn't really want to care.

But you do and my thinking was wrong,

The Dragon Inside! ! !

Black tears stream down her pale face,
As the dark person is set free,
The one she has turned into,
Is not what she wants to be.

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