Belly Baby

Belly Baby Poems

As i sit here and think about the past
it seems like the time went by so fast
as old memories fade and newer ones stay on mind
i often hope that everything well be fine

There were times that i doubted it
times i didnt believe
but how can i ever neglect the love you had for me

Everyone claims that this feeling will pass
the more you hear it the more you believe it
untilll you start wondering when its going to disappear
then at once, everything hits so hard

The Best Poem Of Belly Baby

As I...

As i sit here and think about the past
it seems like the time went by so fast
as old memories fade and newer ones stay on mind
i often hope that everything well be fine
with my family, friends and my love
and anything else that may rise above

As i lay down on my bed and wonder
about how it feels to have nothing to eat and die of hunger
i wonder about the world its self
and me just being a toy on god shelf
ready for whatever he may throw my way
and all the things that come by day after day

As i walk with my head higher than the sky
i see my way throught life and continue to fly
hoping to get help whenever needed
unlike many times i often pleeded
but i also see that in my life all i need is me
and that the truth may set you free

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