Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

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Don't Throw It Out The Window

J-ust don't throw it out the window,
E-ven though you're in trouble;
S-tay calm, firm, and patient,
S-oothe your mind, heart, and soul.

While There's Life There's Hope

W-hile there's life there's hope,
E-ven though the clouds gather;
N-ever miss the silver lining,
G-rey and dark are about over.

Solemn Swear

S-olemn swear to the Lord
A-ims to bring vigor;
M-aking mistake keeps you
A-way from any

Gold-Paved Path

G-old-paved path in heaven
I-s in store for the flock;
G-lorify the Lord God,
I-n spite of the block.

Find The Right Way

F-ind the right way,
L-et your eyes see the light;
O-pen your mind to truth,
R-ise up to leave the night.

Fit To A T

Sun and light fit to a T,
They combine to be just bright;
Nature's perfect alliance
Is setting the day aright.

Behold The Break Of Day

B-ehold the break of day,
E-agerly see the dawn;
B-eautiful morning light
S-hares the fresh horizon.

Never Give Time To Throes

G-ive no time to throes,
I-nstead be calm and easy;
N-ever be too anxious,
A-im not to fret and worry.

Either Of Your Hands

E-ither of your hands
M-akes a noble deed;
M-ay the needy's cry reach
A-ll your ears that heed.

This Poem

T-his poem that I write
H-as just reached your heart;
E-ach and every line
L-ets you make a fresh start.

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