Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

Hit Title Date Added
After The Chill Of Night

L-et the cold chill fade
E-ventually after the night;
Y-our heart will be bathed by the beacon burning bright.

My Ode To Moonlight

M-y ode to moonlight
A-ims not to ignore the sun;
R-ather it only turns the night
I-nto a sweet silent fun.

God Will Lend His Hand

G-od will lend His hand,
L-et not your teardrops fall;
E-leventh November morn
N-ever give up on your goal.

Day Of Your Birth

D-ay of your birth
H-as calmed the wind;
I-nclement clime is over,
N-ight chill and shadows

You Won't Go Amiss

G-o amiss you will not,
E-ighth November early day;
M-orning light will guide you,
M-ist and haze fade.

It's A Lovely Day, Let's Walk

J-ust walk, it's a lovely day,
O-ne sweet morning light;
V-ile weather isn't found,
E-ven the chill of night.

Moonlight In The Sky

M-oonlight in the sky
E-liminates the blue;
L-et it brighten the dark
A-nd gladden the view.

Let The Nice Day Break

L-et the nice day break
E-arly in the morning light;
S-hadows have just faded
I-nto the depth of night.

Kiss The Night Goodbye

K-iss the night goodbye,
A-s you rise from slumber;
R-ight away leave the dark,
E-ither now or

Noontime Meets The Zenith

N-oontime meets the zenith,
A-s the sun is in crimson hue;
N-ovember seventeenth day,
C-oal clouds don't scare

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