Bert Leston Taylor

Rating: 4.33
Rating: 4.33

Bert Leston Taylor Poems

Behold the mighty dinosaur,
Famous in prehistoric lore,
Not only for his weight and length,
But for his intellectual strength.

When quacks with pills political would dope us,
When politics absorbs the livelong day,
I like to think about that star Canopus,

Across the places deep and dim,
And places brown and bare,
It reaches to the planet s rim

In summer I’m disposed to shirk,
As summer is no time to work.
In winter inspiration dies
For lack of out-door exercise.

I cannot tell you how I love
The canvases o ...

When as galoshed my Julia goes,
Unbuckled all from top to toes,
How swift the poem becometh prose!
And when I cast mine eyes and see

Whan that Aprilly with hise shoures soote
The droghte of March had perced to the roote,
I druv a motor thro' Aprilly's bliz


Time's the Master Critic,
Only he can say
What, among these verses,
Good and bad and worse is --

Now fare they forth to battle,
And none for peace shall sue;
And ye who sneer and cavil --
They fight your battle, too.

We stand at Armageddon, and we battle for
the Lord,
And all we ask to stead us is a blessing on
each sword;

Sometimes our welcome has no tongue;
Children are often in the way.
We tolerate them while they are young,

It was a gentle sawbones and his name was Doctor Brown.
His auto was the terror of a small suburban town.

To charitable deeds I'm not addicted,
For sentiment I do not care a prune,
And yet I weep at poverty depicted
In any illustration or cartoon.

O Comic Spirit, hovering overhead,
With sage's brows and finely-tempered smile,
Prom whose bowed lips a silvery laugh

OH light as the foam on the Plover,
That mottles that magical stream;
Oh light as the vows of a lover
And the sighs of a summer night s dream;

'O MEN of dark and dismal fate,'
A prey to typographic terrors,
O you who labor long and late,
Correcting other people's errors --

Will people accept them? (i.e. these
O dainty colorings and range of prices!

Among the folks who write me,
From Frisco to Cape Ann,
Is one from whom I often hear,
And whom, I hope, I sometimes cheer --

IT was the good ship Betsy Jane,
That sailed in a spanking breeze,
With a bunch of militant Suffs on board,

Bert Leston Taylor Biography

Bert Leston Taylor (1866–1921) was an American columnist, humorist, poet, and author. Bert Leston Taylor became a journalist at seventeen, a librettist at twenty-one, and a successfully published author at thirty-five. At the height of his literary career, he was a central literary figure of the early 20th century Chicago renaissance as well as one of the most celebrated columnists in the United States.)

The Best Poem Of Bert Leston Taylor

The Riddle Of The Dinosaur

Behold the mighty dinosaur,
Famous in prehistoric lore,
Not only for his weight and length,
But for his intellectual strength.
You will observe by these remains
The creature had two sets of brains,
The one in his head, the usual place,
The other at his spinal base.
Thus he could reason a priori
As well as a posteriori.
No problem bothered him a bit,
He made both head and tail of it.
So wise he was
So wise and solemn
Each thought filled just a spinal column.
If one brain found the pressure strong,
It passed a few ideas along.
It something slipped the forward mind
’Twas rescued by the one behind.
And if in error he was caught
He had a saving afterthought.
As he thought twice before he spoke
He had no judgment to revoke.
For he could think without congestion
Upon both sides of every question.
O gaze upon this noble beast,
Defunct ten million years at least.

Bert Leston Taylor Comments

Bert Leston Taylor Quotes

All we can get out of a Shaw play is two hours and a half of mental exhilaration. We are, inscrutably, denied the pleasure of wondering what Shaw means, or whether he is sincere.

A bore is a man who, when you ask him how he is, tells you.

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