Betty Monroe Poems

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My heart is empty.
My soul is dark as the the night.
My eyes are lost.
My mind arent here.

My Angel

There's an angel who's watching me every day and every night.
He makes sure that I make the right choices.
Every night, after I've fallen asleep, he kisses my forehead and wishing me all the best.
He gives me a hope that my dreams will come true.

The First Time I Saw You

It was the first time I saw you.
Something happened to me.
I got a feeling.
A feeling I've never felt before.

Dead Love

I wish I could see the lights in your eyes.
I wish I could see how your smile brightens up your face again.
I wish I could hold your hand.
I wish you could hold around me again.

Not My Fault

I love you.
I alway did and I always will.
I am sorry, you will always be here with me.
But i have never seen you.

You Make Me Happy

When you look at me and smile, you make me happy.
When you talk to me, I could fly.
When you touch me, I could die.
But you dont know that.

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