Bijay Kant Dubey Poems

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The Saga Of The Dark Daughter (A Collection Of Poems)

The Saga of The Dark Daughter
The dark daughter smiling
In the dark hamlets
Oblivious of her nondescript fate,

Poor Italy So Sick & Ailing, My Lord! (Laden With The Virus)

Italy in trouble,
I can see it,
But why do they not send

Haroun and the Sea of Stories
A ghupshup from a darhiwallah-uncle,
That too not with goatee beards,
But with the French-cut beards,

Midnight's Children: Facts & Fictions

Salman can feel it
What would it have gone
Into the tryst with independence,
The midnight declaration

China's Wuhan Is O.K., But Italy And Spain Suffering Most

What Will It Happen To Italy, My God?

What will it happen to Italy, my God,
I think,
Think about marking its cities,
The number of patients,

The conspiracies of history,
The intrigues of history,
Of politics and time,
Marked he, felt he

The Partition of India,
Who the guilty men of the Partition
And for them,
Why did they suffer the people,

Biography, What Is Biography?

What is biography,
Who needs a biography?
What to say about the art of biography?

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