Bijay Kant Dubey Poems

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Valentine's Day, Is It Erotic Only?

Valentine's Day is for to feel
How sacrifices can be made
For the sake of goodness!

Save Ther Poor Daughter Of India

Save the daughter,
The poor daughter of India,
The UNESCO's poor girl child,

The Black Bears

The black bears roaming
Into the trees,
Trying to climb it,
Falling from

Poetry As Broken Lines

Poetry as broken lines,
The sentences broken and dovetailed,
But the meaning continued on
With the rhythm of speech and expression

One Not, But Three Bibis, Veiled Wives, Madams

Meri Ek Nahin Uski Tin-Tin Bibiyan

Uski ek-ek nahin tin-tin bibiyan hain
Aur phir us pe kah raha,

The dented and painted villain of the theatre
Gets the Filmfair awards
For his opposite performance
In contradiction to the powdered and made-up hero,

Dalit Literature, Let Them Write, You Write It Not

Dalit literature, let them write,
You write it not,
The story of their life,
The narratives and anecdotes

His English is British English, American English,
But mine is Indian English,
His is King's Standard, Queen's Standard,
Impeccable English,

The Sepoy Mutiny

I want to dust the old and pale files and the flaps
Of the British period police stations
To write my thesis
On the Indian war of independence

The modern ladies often after name and fame
Can be seen strutting and walking on tip-toe
With the vanity bag hanging and slinging,
In the best possible make-up and the dress-up,

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