Bim Galimba

Bim Galimba Poems

Look at the calendar and count your days.
To work hard for the project, truly pays.
To your options, try to find better ways.
Just be victorious, that's what your heart says.

To your deadlines, go out and fulfill.
Despite great hardship, just be still.
Pursue your big dreams and make them real.
Take the gold and don't let someone steal.

As you wake up today, access your great God and pray.
Believe in Him, and surely His power He'll portray.
Abundance of His blessings and protection, he'll spray.
To all your dreams and ambitions, do not go astray.

In your battles, acknowledge His mighty power.
Our great Lord's glorious acts, always remember.
When you are wounded, please let Him be your healer.
When you are weakened, He promised you'll recover.

Work hard and turn your dreams into reality.
In your mind, wipe clouds of impossibility.
Perform your objectives; do it with liberty.
'I'll fulfill my dreams', say it with finality.

This morning, when you woke up and stretched, you heard some bad news.
'Your project will fail! ' and 'Things won't work! ' - these are people's views.
'....a loser! ' - these are the words of discouragements they use.
'You better give up! ' - these words, overwhelmingly refuse!

It's wise to understand that life has many stages.
It has its ups and downs so be open for changes.
Good and proper connections, do not burn their bridges.
Simply be smart and just welcome life's tough challenges.
... quiet, listen to your very heart.
To your dreams, do not just let anyone thwart.
Today is the right time to move on and start.
Go on and hit the bull's-eye, as in the dart.

The winds of adversity can make you low.
The storms of tribulation can make you slow.
Despite tough bouts, precious towel do not throw.
Just be confident, your big dreams do not blow.

The great storm came, things were destroyed and torn.
You were hurt as if you stepped a big thorn.
You started questioning why you were born.
Let great hope still grow like a budding corn.

If you're employed, imagine yourself celebrating.
If you're a student, imagine yourself graduating.
If you're a businessman, see yourself jubilating.
If you're an athlete, just imagine yourself winning.

Pursue your dreams and do not let anybody block.
Put things in order; specify matters that you lack.
Alone in tough times? ; get someone to protect your back.
Do not fear, never give up and follow the right track.

To bag success, you need to make a sacrifice.
You need to cut nonsense moves; you must pay the price.
Make good plans, just advance and make moves that are nice.
Have a real good mentor and follow his advice.

In your life, you have gone through fields that are real thorny.
Sorrowful events, they are still in your memory.
Sometimes you wail and sometimes you really feel sorry.
Just move forward, it is time to leave your agony.

Act and move forward; have the burning desire to win.
Just look around and spot the good things; simply be keen.
Give your best; don't give a bad show because it's a sin.
Give your best contribution; don't get out of the scene.

Have a vision, just reflect and think brighter.
Have faith, pray to the Lord and tap His power.
Employ the right action, move and aim higher.
Vision, faith and action, just fuse them together!

Truly, in every problem, there is a solution.
Look at the problem and solve without hesitation.
If it is complicated, break it section-by-section.
I will pass this test say it without reservation.

Try to rise up from your bed and pursue every dream.
Operate on it, no matter how tough things may seem.
In your daily living, do not just forget your theme.
To its fulfillment, employ a manageable scheme.

When you're hit and you fall don't forget to rise.
Rise up even if you're down more than thrice.
In your daily living, get up and be wise.
You have the right to live a life that is nice.

When you woke up, you knew you had a target.
Last night you made a good plan, please don't forget.
Please perform it so this day you wont regret.
Beware: procrastination may be a threat.

Bim Galimba Biography

'He can convert ideas into a written language, objective in his opinions. He can make a good leader' - Sword and Shield '91)

The Best Poem Of Bim Galimba

Make This World A Better Place

Look at the calendar and count your days.
To work hard for the project, truly pays.
To your options, try to find better ways.
Just be victorious, that's what your heart says.

Be calm, relax and enjoy the sun's rays.
Good deeds and ideas learn how to praise.
A wholesome being, let it be your taste.
Just perform better, hope you'll get a raise.

Your real valuable time, please do not waste.
Life and footsteps of your heroes, just trace.
Their good experience, use it as your base.
Go ahead; make this world a better place.

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