Bob Gotti Poems

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A Channel Of Blessing

Be with me Lord in such a way, that I can be a blessing every day,
While The Spirit you sent my way, helps me know just what to say.

The days are getting darker and tomorrow for many may never be,

Treasure In Heaven

We spend and splurge all the day, while allowing our soul to stray,
Attracted to what pleases the eye, while we allow our soul to die.
Enticed by what the eye can see, with no thought towards eternity.
We spend effort and much time, securing what we claim as mine.


Flowery words may tickle the ears; even delight the person who hears.
Flowery words are not what I choose, if you desire to just be amused.
For I am truly not a poet my friend, and poetry is not my ultimate end.
Poetry is simply my chosen venue, this to share God’s Truth with you.


At the times decisions must be had, we weigh the good and the bad.
Decisions not always cut and dry, being left too often to wonder why,
What decision bears more weight, on the scale that people call fate?
Why do these things happen to me, just what is it that I can not see?

Bends In The Road

As we journey down here to and fro, we never know where pathways go,
We can never see around the bend, to where that present path may end.
We can plan straight all our courses, as we rely upon our own resources,
In spite of all the time you spend, we never know what’s around the bend.

I Have Been Saved

I have been saved; I have been saved, truly by a Holy Righteous God,
Given a new heart and a new life, to leave the path I once had trod.

For I was born with a heart of flesh that was truly tainted with sin,

Verses Of Truth

This will stand the test of time, a poem of Truth with added rhyme,
They are Truths, from God’s Word; Bible Truths we all have heard.
And nothing has been added to, the words of Truth from me to you,
God’s the One to be stressed, and Christ who passes Eternal tests.

Friendship With The World

Friendship with this evil world turns your Love for God into hatred,
As one who is a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God instead.

We were bought out of this Market of Sin when Christ died and bled,

According To The Scriptures

When people think of God, in their minds eye they see many pictures,
But, the vision isn't valid unless it is according to the Scriptures.

When The Apostle Paul preached to the Bereans many came and heard,

The Peace Of Jerusalem

We as Believers are admonished to pray for the peace of Jerusalem,
But how or when, to this troubled city, could true peace ever come?

It has had more bloodshed than any other city in the history of man,

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