Bob Gotti Poems

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As I Wait

Lord help my soul to gently wait, as your soon return I anticipate,
Your soon return, for your Bride, all the souls for whom you died.
That day will be a special one, when we will see God’s Only Son.
The One who died in our place, the Church shall see face to face.

Another Day For The Lord

Another day is over my dear friend with another tomorrow to come,
Sometimes I wish it all would end and The Lord would simply come.
For when Truth by men goes ignored the day becomes far from fun.
But I need to labor for The Lord until my time on this earth is done.

A New Horizon

Coming above is a new horizon, for all who are found in The Son,
But this horizon you can not see, as this horizon friend, is Eternity.
The Son is The Lord Jesus Christ, and the horizon is Eternal Life.
And no man can truly conceive this new horizon for all who believe.

A Season For Sharing

This becomes a season to give, to all with whom we daily live,
And to friends, near and far, to show them how loved they are,
A special time for us to share, our heart showing them we care,
A sharing of our gifts and love, is what this season is made of.

A Pilgrims Purpose

I am here as a pilgrim, wandering as a stranger in a strange land,
And sharing the Gospel with those I meet is the only task at hand.

Moved like a tent maker by The King with no stakes in this ground,

What Mother Nature?

The often used phrase Mother Nature that to many seems to be so dear,
When used to describe the weather's maker is very blasphemous I fear.

The term is simply degrading and not befitting to The Creator of all,

He Is Faithful And Just

The Lord up above is faithful and just even when He seems not to be,
In love He is faithful and true in the way He deals with you and me.
For things come into my life that I truly don't understand or desire,
But God is simply purging my life like gold in the crucible's fire.

Beyond The Temporal Doors

I simply need to trust God's hand each day to guide me where I am.
I just need to wait upon The Lord, who alone opens and closes doors.
Friend, no one can fathom or understand God's Awesome Eternal plan.
Neither can I attempt to explain all that has been done in His name.

A Message To Proclaim

With many slipping into eternity daily we have a message to proclaim,
However many people are ignorant of the Gospel to The Church's shame.
When Paul prayed for the boldness to fearlessly speak Christ's name,
He was filled with Power so many of his hearers were never the same.

Christ Still Redeems

Short and abrupt they seem to be; almost miserable is what it seems,
Filled with discontent and a need, yet they go on with empty dreams.
Searching alone to fill their need, they fall into many evil schemes,
But look to your Eternal needs, and you’ll find Christ still redeems.

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