Bob Gotti Poems

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All Things Work Out

All Things will indeed fall in place, for our God is a God of Grace.
All fears God will erase away, giving you comfort along the way.
Replacing the fear He does erase, with God’s peace in its place.
Soon what seems so very new, will all be common place for you.

At Just The Right Time

My friend, at just the right time, God showed a love you can’t deny.
He paid to men the ultimate price, by sending His Son as a sacrifice.
A sacrifice for all the world to see upon the hill known as Calvary.
There Christ died upon a cross for both the righteous and the lost.

Have You Changed?

Jesus Christ came to die upon a cross to Glorify His Father's name,
His strong desire to follow His Father's will truly never changed.

Once we are covered by His Blood, we should never be the same,

Code Orange Code Red

Code Orange Code Red, today these warnings echo throughout our land,
But these warnings just focus our attention on the wickedness of man.

Look and see how we have let sin and immorality prosper in our land,

I Welcome Your Thoughts

Friend I welcome your thoughts even if you disagree with what I say,
For it may give me the opportunity to send a thought or two your way.

Please bear with me if I should stumble on a word or two of my own,

An Echoing Sadness

Sad is the word to best describe, this feeling I have echoing inside,
Even though Christ lives there, and I know that He really does care.
It is something that on the outside, that today I simply can not hide.
There is an absence of joy within, when I take my mind off of Him.

A Heavy Heart

There’s a heaviness upon my heart, at times it seems to not depart.
But Christ who lives within my heart, will never leave me nor depart.
I need to focus more upon The Lord, for by Him I am never ignored.
I need to seek His lasting peace, a peace I known will never cease.

I Need To Seek His Face

I do need The Lord all of the time, not just when things fall apart,
I need Him in His rightful place, right on the throne of my heart.

For when things go awry, I known immediately to Him I can turn,

Are You Grafted In

Instead of us accepting the Divine precepts of a Holy Righteous God,
It appears that we've bought into all kinds of men's deceptive fraud.

We've been given the clear Oracles of God, unto which we are to live,

When That Trumpet Sounds

Most people around today can’t see the darkness through the gloom,
But this very darkness is one sign that The Lord is coming back soon.

Paul spoke of a time when this very evil would get worse and worse,

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