Bob Gotti Poems

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The Future Middle East

Today the future in the Middle East, as we hear, sounds very bleak.
As people with a deceptive heart, are looking for a brand new start,
Moving many men to understand, a crucial need to remap the land.
This to eradicate the Land of Israel, totally justified by a wicked will.

Home In Heaven

Thankfully, our home’s in Heaven, and this earth we just pass through,
On to a place where no one’s been, one special place for me and you.
Friend, our Lord, had said to us, before, to Heaven, Christ did depart,
In God and in Him, to place our trust, so not to have, a troubled heart.

God Is Not Dead

A man once said there is no God, I say, what a simple foolish clod,
Just look around and you will see, Creation envelopes you and me,
This world did not simply evolve, this bring an unbeliever’s resolve,
A belief to do away with God, that men confirm, with a foolish nod.

Heavenly Citizenship

I’m no longer of this earth; I have been changed by a spiritual birth,
Although I still walk this sod, I now belong to the Kingdom of God.
A heavenly plane beyond this earth; in a Kingdom of Eternal Worth,
While down here, I am led by God, comforted by His staff and rod.

A Song In Our Heart

We have a song we love to sing, a special song about our King.
Friend this King will always be, The King through all of Eternity.
This song we sing in our heart, throughout our day plays a part,
As the sweet melody within, reminds us that we belong to Him.

We Know The End

As the times get darker my friend, praise The Lord we know the end.
And as the times get dark as night, as believers we can see the light.
As we’ve received a great revelation, from The Lord of our salvation.
The book John was inspired to write, ends in the Hope of God’s Light.

The Weeds Or The Wheat

When all of creation, for eternity, bow at The Lord's feet,
Will you be separated and gathered with the weeds or the wheat?

Those who believe and are saved, whom The Lord calls the wheat,

The Gospel In A Nutshell

Here’s The Gospel in a nutshell friend, from the beginning to the end.
The message displayed for all to see, so all men can live for eternity.
A message made loud and clear, so that sinful man needs not to fear.
The message is seen in Jesus Christ, so all men can have Eternal Life.

Teachable For God

Being teachable in God’s eyes, shall lead believers to be wise,
From instruction, read and heard, in the Truths of God’s Word,
God’s instruction we must heed, truly the believer’s daily need,
From The Eternal Word of God, to be lived in this day we trod.

What A Ride

Present life can be one big ride, but, in my life God is glorified,
As The Lord guides me through, times and places He foreknew,
Times He ordered in my life, in that I could lean on Jesus Christ,
While God leads me from above, all through this ride I speak of.

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