Bob Gotti Poems

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No Small Doubt

Satan starts with a small doubt, when it’s God who’s talked about,
Satan takes a well grounded fool, and uses him as a spiritual tool,
One sharpened tool for deceit, for Satan’s goal of spiritual defeat,
As victory through Christ is yours, but, the enemy subtly implores,

Full Counsel Of God

Who said we shouldn’t preach, Truth to those we attempt to reach?
Not just some, but all of the Truth, even presenting to them reproof.
It seems that we try to avoid, some Truth, so men are not annoyed,
Wanting to be to men, a friend, with no thought to their coming end.

God’s Word

Living out the Truths we’ve heard, comes in obeying God’s Holy Word,
As the Word of God dwells in us, when we live our life for Christ Jesus.
We can live our lives in Christ’s Love, as we focus on our Savior above,
In this world, to live our life higher, God’s Word needs to be our desire,

We Are Witnesses

We Are Witnesses for God’s Son, called to be a witness to everyone,
A witness to every nation in this world, as God’s Light and His herald.
Sent to preach to the wilderness, the Truth of Christ’s Righteousness,
To bring Truth to that barren soul, to make that heart spiritually whole.

Living Stones

As we taste and see God is good, we become in Christ a brotherhood,
One body of believers in The Word, through the Truth that we’ve heard,
We then become New Living Stones, in Christ, whose sacrifice atones,
Making atonement for all our sin, as God laid all our iniquity upon Him.

Not Of The World

Light will dispel the darkness, but, the dark can smother your light,
Without the Lord’s Righteousness, when a walk with Him isn’t right.
For what fellowship can there be, when given new vision and sight,
Within Christ’s plan for eternity, with our light and the dark of night?

Progressive Minds

Progressive liberals with a cause, covering over their spiritual flaws,
Saying what many want to hear; concerning God, they have no fear.
Progressing with the moral tides, on immoral waves the party rides,
As they drift far away from God, while leading with a confident nod.

In Times Ahead

There’s a day ahead for all of us, but not all say “In God we Trust”,
Many today simply forge ahead, relying fully on one’s self instead.
But as believers, we’ve received, a new path in life as we believed,
Paved to Glory in the Spirit of Christ, taking us all into Eternal Life.

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, how sweet God is, and all because of this,
The Gift He sent upon a Cross, God’s Gift to all those lost,
A gift that is deserved by none, the Gift of God’s own Son,
Our Blessed Savior, Jesus Christ, who came to give us life.

Only One Truth

What Jesus Christ did for you, no other religious leader could do,
And what He does in the eyes of all, will indeed, be their downfall.
For only Christ died for all men, while they were to be condemned,
And only He will be returning again, as Lord and Savior of all men.

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