Bob Gotti Poems

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Prayer For The Land

In this nation we can not afford, not to lift prayers to The Lord,
When all men lift up holy hands, to The Creator of all the lands.
To lift up prayers and supplication, to The God of our salvation.
As together men seek God’s face, to fill our land with His Grace.

Filling Of Peace

As God fills me with His Peace, concerns and worry begins to ease,
As The Spirit redirects my thought, peace within, by God is wrought,
Focusing more upon God’s Love, than the concerns, that I speak of,
As God continues to help me learn, He’s totally aware of all concern.

No Longer Ignored

Of my life, God is in control, saved by Christ, from Adam’s fall,
But also my Lord’s in control, of the unrepentant, big and small.
The Savior controls my destiny, for Christ gave me life eternally,
He too controls the final breath, of all destined for eternal death.

General Revelation

Upon the earth lives abound, with your eyes just look around,
There’re creatures of all kinds, a witness, to hearts and minds,
All kinds of different creatures, all made with varying features,
Many living alongside of man, all part of God’s awesome plan.

Forever Faithful

In spite of all my unfaithfulness, my Lord God is faithful unto me.
For my life God does surely bless, in many ways that others see.
And although I often fail the test, I remain secure for all Eternity.
I have above an eternal address, where with God I’ll forever be.


Disasters strike upon the land, some by God and some by man.
The disasters of a natural force, they come from God of course.
Some however are wicked plans, found in the evil heart of man.
Both will have the same result, moving men into deeper thought.

Precious In His Sight

Precious in the sight of God, are saints, who leave this earthly sod,
His children, who experienced death, as they receive eternal breath;
No longer left on the earth to roam, as they enter their eternal home,
Prepared for them by Jesus Christ, when they step into Eternal Life.


Friend, as the moments tick away, we can see the end of another day,
And as time continues marching on, soon we see another year is gone.
Friend, time for no one will stand still, but it continues on by God’s will.
And time each day does not change, for every man it stays the same.

Time Is Of The Essence

Dear friend, time is of the essence, for this world knows not when,
We’ll see the Glorious Presence, of The Lord and Savior of all men.
First there’ll be an assemblance, of all those who were Born Again.
And we’ll visit our remembrance, of saved family and saved friends.

I Am

He spoke, “I am who I am”, Said the Creator of all men.
Yes, He is the very Word, that all have read and heard.
Jesus Christ is God, friend; the Beginning and The End.
Jesus said about Abraham, “before he was born, I am! ”

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