Bob Gotti Poems

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Ordinary Worship

Ordinary people in this life, are used for God through Jesus Christ,
To help other men come to see, what He has done for you and me.
First worship begins in our hearts; it’s where all true worship starts,
And true worship, you will find, is with all your heart, soul and mind.

Higher Ground

This day you can have abundant life, through The Lord Jesus Christ,
As many men today have found, their feet planted on higher ground.
High above this earth that we trod, planted by the very Hand of God,
The ground, on which we stand, is the Eternal Rock, the Son of Man.


Strange indeed as it may sound, Eternal God walked this ground.
Jesus had come down to the earth, through the Virgin Mary’s birth.
Strange enough, as this may be, He came to die for you and me.
He had a body prepared for Him, a body that was free of any sin.

Wickedness Within

There’s a wickedness deep within, causing many to stumble in sin,
For desperately wicked is our heart, and from it we cannot depart.
And who can know that inner part, down inside each human heart?
So to know the deepest thought; where all our actions are wrought.

Radical Change

Radical change occurs in all men, who from God are Born Again,
Born through the Spirit of Christ, and born again unto a New Life.
Change begins when you believe, as The Holy Spirit you receive,
This as Christ begins to reside, in The Spirit who now lives inside.

Easter Sadness

The pink bunnies and painted eggs, this twist in culture truly begs,
For the true meaning behind, the holiday façade steeling the mind.
Not only the mind but the heart, as from God’s Truth many depart,
His Truth is said and men hear it, but many follow the pagan spirit.

The Resurrection Changes Everything

The Resurrection changes everything, through the power of Jesus Christ,
As Christ becomes our Lord and King, giving all Believers brand new life.
To Him we lift up our praise and sing, for us He came to be our sacrifice,
Christ destroyed death with its sting, and prepared us a place in Paradise.

Wickedness Is Everywhere

His wicked spirit is everywhere, the prince and power of the air,
Born into a system led by him, Satan fills the world with evil sin.
God of the world, on this earth, inciting all born of natural birth,
On this earth, that God created, is a spirit by which He is hated.

All Who Come

The Lord gives rest to the weary, to all of those who come,
To the deceived and the leery, His Truth comes in The Son.
In gloomy times He gives hope, in The Savior Jesus Christ,
With a power for all to cope, through the weary times of life.

Justified And Saved

With our heart we do believe, and in Christ we are justified,
When in faith we do receive, The One who for all men died.
With the mouth as we confess, from our sins we are saved,
And with our life we attest, in sin we no longer are enslaved.

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