Bob Gotti Poems

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Grateful To Serve

I’m grateful to be a child of God, adopted through my Savior’s Blood,
From The Precious Blood of Christ, afforded through God’s Sacrifice;
Once under direction of God’s foe, The Lord and Savior, I didn’t know,
But, no longer living as God’s enemy, I’m now a child of God eternally.

When He Won’t Be Ignored

Yes, Christ is The Mighty Lord, Truth, which by many, goes ignored,
But, very soon, every eye shall see, He is The Lord through Eternity,
When Christ comes as living proof, of man’s eternal Hope and Truth,
As The Eternal Lord, Christ Jesus, rules this world, in Righteousness.

For One To Be Saved

In order for one to be saved, they must first know they are lost,
A fallen soul, totally depraved, in need of the love of the cross,
Having nothing to give to Him, The Lord and God, Jesus Christ,
The Savior, who died for our sin, so we could have Eternal Life.

God Is Everywhere

The Lord God is much closer than, the misguided ideas of most men,
No, He’s not in the trees or grass, that thought is just spiritually crass,
God is Eternal Spirit, my friend; He had no beginning and has no end,
Not created things these men point to, for God these men never knew.

In Truth Alone

Truth alone shall set you apart, from others who choose to depart,
From inspired Truth in God’s Word, to follow men who have erred,
By adding to or taking away, what God’s Inspired Words truly say,
Without His precept upon precept, their teachings are simply inept.

The Living God

Living proof of The Living God, surrounds you wherever you trod,
The creation itself is proof, that God does exist with all His Truth.
And friend, He is a loving God, comforting you with staff and rod,
He’s the Shepherd from above, guiding us with an awesome love.

The Lion And The Lamb

Christ, He is The Lion and The Lamb, The Lord God, The Great I AM,
He always was and will always be, He’s Lord and God of all Eternity,
The Eternal God and The Creator, had left Heaven, to be The Savior,
The God of Heaven and Eternity, had come to earth for you and me.

Wisdom From Above

The Word of God is so very clear, yet, so many men have no fear,
Within their hearts, of The Lord, and so God’s Word goes ignored;
A fear that begins wisdom for all, men everywhere great and small,
Wisdom which opens eyes to see, Truths from the Lord of Eternity.

Moved By His Love

Moved by The Lord’s amazing Love, sent to us free from Heaven above,
Just how could it be my dear friend, that we are so quiet about the end?
Indeed about the end of every life, and everyone’s need for Jesus Christ.
Could it just be a small possibility, some in the Church don’t care to see,

God Will Finish All He Started

Christ will finish in you tomorrow, what He has started in you today,
And even in the midst of sorrow, He will take you to a brighter way.
Remember that God’s tomorrow, could be years or in just one day,
You’ll come through the sorrow, when you reach His ultimate way.

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